
Articles and analyses from the INET community on the key economic questions of our time.


Why did the ECB LTROs help?

Jan 22, 2012

From a money view perspective, the central issue is settlement of TARGET balances between national central banks within the Eurozone, and the key is to understand TARGET balances as a kind of interbank correspondent balance.


John Whittaker: Eurosystem balances explained

Dec 12, 2011

[The following guest post is by John Whittaker, from whom we have learned much of what we know about how the European payments system works. See his terrific papers here and here, both of which reward close study. He has been looking over the last couple Money View posts, and the comments to those posts, and has this to say.]


The IMF and the Collateral Crunch

Dec 9, 2011

Why is the IMF getting involved in the Eurocrisis, and why is its involvement taking the form of lending to individual member states of the Eurozone?