Thomas Ferguson


Thomas Ferguson is the Research Director at the Institute for New Economic Thinking. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Boston and Senior Fellow at Better Markets. He received his Ph.D. from Princeton University and taught formerly at MIT and the University of Texas, Austin. He is the author or coauthor of several books, including Golden Rule (University of Chicago Press, 1995) and Right Turn (Hill & Wang, 1986). His articles have appeared in many scholarly journals, including the Quarterly Journal of Economics, International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, and the Journal of Economic History. He is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Political Economy and a longtime Contributing Editor at The Nation.

By this expert

Affluent Authoritarianism: McGuire and Delahunt’s New Evidence on Public Opinion and Policy

Article | Nov 2, 2020

New INET research shows once again that it’s large firms and the 1%—not the “median voter”—who drive U.S. policy

Are American Colleges and Universities the Next Covid Casualties?

Article | Jul 22, 2020

Colleges and universities need to be saved, not only from financial ruin, but also, all too often, from themselves.

Three Comments on Storm “The Economics and Politics of Social Democracy: A Reconsideration"

Paper Working Paper Series | | May 2020

This Working Paper presents three separate comments on Servaas Storm’s “The Economics and Politics of Social Democracy: A Reconsideration”. The first is by Joseph Halevi and Peter Kriesler; the second is by Duncan Foley; and the third is by Thomas Ferguson.

Fatal Combination: Bailouts and Bank Rescues in Money-Driven Political Systems

Article | Apr 13, 2020

Financial industry donations to members of Congress lead to the adoption of pro-bank policies

Featuring this expert

YSI 2020 Plenary: New Economic Questions

Young Scholars Initiative Virtual Plenary

YSI Event Plenary YSI | Nov 6–15, 2020

What are the 100 most pertinent economic questions facing our global societ?

Research Webinar & Book Launch: Macroeconomic Inequality From Reagan to Trump

Event Webinar | Sep 18, 2020

A discussion with Lance Taylor and Özlem Ömer, authors of INET’s new book Macroeconomics Inequality from Reagan to Trump

Money, Politics, and Social Conflict in the Age of COVID & YSI Discussion

with Thomas Ferguson - 12pm ET / 9am PT

Event Webinar | Jun 4, 2020

Every country has had a different policy response to the crisis; and within countries different political parties have championed various approaches. How has COVID-19 affected politics and social life in developed western countries?

INET/YSI Pre-conference @ STOREP 2019

YSI Event Workshop YSI | Jun 25–27, 2019

The Institute for New Economic Thinking and the Italian Association for the History of Political Economy (STOREP) announce a day and a half of lectures, workshops, and debates held on the 26th and 27th of June, just before the annual STOREP conference, in Siena, Italy.