Olga is the coordinator of INET YSI Economics of Innovation working group (since mid-2017) and is currently completing her PhD in Public Administration with specialisation in Technology Governance at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia). She was earlier involved in research project led by Rainer Kattel ‘Innovation and the State: How should Government Finance and Implement Innovation Policy’. Olga works on financial bureaucracy, financing of innovation and development with specific focus on national development banks while combining insights from financial history and theories of innovation (Schumpeter, Minsky) with the governance perspective. Her other research interests are governance of innovation, innovation policies, as well as East Asian studies, with the emphasis on qualitative methods and historical inquiry. Olga’s academic background includes BA in business studies (cum laude, 2011) and MA in public administration (Technology Governance, 2013) obtained from Tallinn University of Technology as well as exchange studies at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore (2012). Among her recent temporal academic affiliations were University of Malaya (visiting researcher 2015/2016) and EU Center in Singapore (visiting researcher Fall 2016).

Olga is based in Tallinn (Estonia) and speaks Russian, English, Estonian, some French and Norwegian.