History of postwar economics, history of macroeconomics, monetary economics

I am an economist by training and historian by heart. In fact, I usually say that I have a split soul, as I like to engage historically with recent economics (i.e., economics produced after World War II), in particular macroeconomics. I’ve been working on how modern tools, techniques and modeling strategies came to be dominant, or had their use stabilized in the postwar period. In common with the other “Kids” of the History of Economics Playground, I’m interested on the particular communities and networks in which the use of those tools are stabilized, and how technical knowledge is created.

I’m professor of economics at the University of São Paulo (FEA-USP), and several of my academic work can be found in my page at SSRN, and, for those who dare to know Portuguese, in my official homepage.

I like very much the sand of this Playground and hope to have a playful interaction with the e-world.

By this expert

Macroeconomics in Perspective

Article | Jan 31, 2014

Reflections of the Université Catholique de Louvain “Macroeconomics in Perspective Workshop”

Macroeconomics in Perspective

Article | Jan 31, 2014

Last week the “Macroeconomics in Perspective Workshop” was held at the Department of Economics of the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), in Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium

History of Economics and Images: static and dynamic

Article | Feb 23, 2013

There has been an important movement towards making available on the web a host of open courses.

Paul Samuelson and the History of Economics

Article | Jan 21, 2013

Paul Samuelson is well-known to have been a compulsive citer and for having a particular Whig program for the history of economics